Mary's most essential prayer is her simple response to the angel. "She whom the
Almighty made 'full of grace' responds by offering her whole being. 'Behold I am the
handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.' 'Fiat': this is
Christian prayer: to be wholly God's".
"The Gospel reveals to us how Mary prays and intercedes in faith. At Cana (Jn
2:1-12) the mother of Jesus asks her son for the needs of a wedding feast; this is a
sign of another feast -that of the wedding
of the Lamb where he gives his body
and blood at the request of the Church,
his Bride".
The Canticle of Mary, the Magnificat...
is the song both of the Mother of God
and of the Church". It is truly "magnifi-
cent" because it "magnifies" the Lord,
who has magnified his lowly saints,
who magnify not themselves but Him.
The Church has addressed Mary trillions
of times with the most repeated prayer in
human history, the Hail Mary and its
"string of roses" in the Rosary. "Hail
Mary." The greeting of the angel Gabriel
opens this prayer. It is God himself who,
through His angel as intermediary, greets
Mary. Our prayer dares to take up this greeting and, by standing with the angel,
becomes angelic. We say, not "hello", but "hail"; our speech is high and holy as we
hail her, meek and lowly.