The Church's devotion to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship. It is
home-grown not an alien addition, an imitation of paganism. It is authentically
Christian and incarnational.
We revere all saint with dulia (human reverence and devotion) and Mary with
hyperdulia (the greatest human reverence and devotion), but worship and adoration
are given to God alone. There is only a difference in degree between Mary and us
but a difference in kind between Mary and Christ. Therefore there is also a difference
in degree between the reverence paid to Mary and the reverence paid to other saints,
but there is a difference in kind between our reverence given to Mary and our
worship of Christ.
Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary is
an absolutely beautiful exercise to increase
your spirituality and ability to truly serve our
Lord Jesus Christ. The basic premise set
forth by St. Louis Marie de Montfort is simply
that Jesus came into the world through Mary
and that for us to always be assured of being
close to Jesus even closer than ever before,
we should go through Mary.
Total Consecration to Mary, explains St.
Louis, consists in surrendering oneself in the
manner of a slave to Mary, and to Jesus
through her, and then performing all our
actions with Mary, in Mary, through Mary, and for Mary. It is also known as "True
Devotion to Mary," "Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary," and "Holy Slavery.
If you have been contemplating giving yourself totally to Jesus through Mary,
please contact Jenni Hulway, 586.453.4580, Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Church.